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250C UL Certified 0.9 CF Vacuum Oven 5 Sided Heat – 110V 60Hz


FOUR ALUMINUM SHELVES INCLUDED WITH OVEN PURCHASE. SST (stainless steel) tubing refers to internal tubing and compression. external tubing not included.

SKU: 4200636 Category: Tag:


Electrical requirements
110V /-10% 60Hz 1-PH 13.6A, 1,500 watts

Size: 12 x 12 x 11″ Material: Stainless steel Capacity: 0.9 cubic foot

5-sided heating (left 350W, right 350W, top 220W, bottom 480W, back 100W)

Temperature control
Controller: low proportional gain, microcomputer PID controlled with LCD display Range: ambient to 250°C (or 480°F) Display units: Fahrenheit or Celsius Uniformity: /- 5% of setpoint Dwelling timer range: 1 to 9999 minutes Warm-up time to 100°F: 40 minutes

Ultimate vacuum level: better than 500 microns/millitorrs (may vary based on your altitude, click here to learn more) Mechanical gauge range: 0 to 30 inch mercury Vacuum port: KF25 flange Vent port: KF25 flange Vacuum pump: Sold separately

Unit: 90 Lbs, shipping: 175 Lbs

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Unit: 23.4 x 17.25 x 19″  With handle and vacuum port: 23.4 x 20 x 19″ Shipping: 29 x 29 x 29″

Included with oven purchase: 4 aluminum slide-in shelves Capacity: 8 shelves max. Style: pan-shape Size: 11.5 x 11.25″ Maximum area: 129.4 x 8 = 7 sq ft or 1035 inch2 Distance between shelves: one inch

Door gasket material
Silicone or Viton

Observation window
1/2″ tempered safety glass

Built-in circuit breaker Overheat shutoff protection Secondary over-temp protection dial

In-door lights
White LED

2 years

UL (E482564), CE

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