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The hydrocarbon extraction technique involves the use of certain hydrocarbons like propane and butane – these materials act as solvents, which, when combined with plant material, strip desired chemical compounds (such as cannabinoids) out of plant material.



Typically nuggets or trim, pack material socks, weigh, log in inventory, que into storage freezer.

Considerations for pre-distilling solvents prior to intial extraction phase.


Transfer solvents into material vessels by supplying nitrogen head pressure and manipulation of valved manifolds.


Inline dewaxing of materials is achieved prior to collection.

Considerations for filtration medias to be used by preference.


Upon collection process completion, followed by recovery of the hydrocarbon solvent from within the closed loop system.


Collected crude stabilization characteristics are manipulated via vacuum chambers, and degassing, or purging through various techniques.



The MeP XT70, released June of 2019, is The NeXT generation of our highly regarded Modular Extraction Platform. Engineered with Purpose, The MeP 70XT increases capacity and throughput without disregarding previously purchased ExtractionTek units. Coupled with the Corken T91 Recovery Pump The MeP XT70 processes 30 LBS of material in 45 minutes with propane and 90 minutes with butane. Outfitted with the tech to make all the popular products on the shelves, The MeP XT70 takes the efficiency of Hydrocarbon Extraction, to the NeXT level.

MEP 30

The M.e.P/30™ was released in June of 2016 and is approved for operation in all legal cannabis markets. This design is the first built on our ETS Modular Extraction Platform™ allowing for processing of up to 100 pounds of material per 8-hour shift. The M.e.P/30™ utilizes 3 independent, 10-liter material columns with a “cascading flow,” allowing for the industry’s top processing throughput. This design will run Propane, Butane, and a blend of both and consistently produces any items on your production lists. The M.e.P./30™ run sizes range from 2.5lbs to 15lbs per run. It can be modified to run very cold temps, or multiple recovery pumps, without voiding current Peer Reviews.



The miniM.e.P.™ is our newest design. ETS was excited to introduce the machine at the recent NCIA Equipment show, in Las Vegas this November. The miniM.e.P.™ is also built on our Modular Extraction Platform™, offering all the benefits of the modular design in a smaller scale machine. This unit’s base configuration includes one 10-liter material column and can be expected to process between 30-40 pounds of material per 8-hour shift. As your processing needs grow, directly translates up to, the full 30-liter M.e.P/30™ design, without re-purchasing equipment, or re-certifying designs with your local regulators.

The miniM.e.P.™ can be consistently produces any items on your production lists and is rated to run Propane, Butane, or a blend of each. Feel free to download the literature below to view the basic specs, pricing, what’s included, and the most common upgrades and accessories.

begin your journey into extraction.


Don't sweat the small stuff. We'll help you choose the right extraction methodology for you...

Botanical Extraction


Tried and true botanical processing methodology in high yielding extractions.

Botanical Extraction


Beautifully flavourful artisanal extractions for enthusiast recreational products.

Botanical Extraction


Large volume extraction scaling systems optimized for growth expansion.

Botanical Extraction


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